Today, the General Director of Kosovo Correctional Service, Ismail Dibrani, has met the Coordinator of the Albanian-German Union for the Balkans, Nuradin Imeraj and D.Sc. Mustafë Hazirin.
This visit was preceded by the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the KCS and the Albanian-German Union, headquartered in Soest, Germany, since the basic program of this union is focused on economic development and the protection of human rights and freedoms.
During this meeting it was also discussed about the opportunities of expanding the cooperation between KCS and the Albanian-German Union, with special focus on development of mutual projects in order to improve the conditions in correctional institutions and promotion of the prisoners’ rights.
This meeting is expected to pave the way for new initiatives that will help improve the correctional system in Kosovo, contributing to the integration of international experiences and promoting a more humane and efficient approach to the treatment of prisoners.